Buruli Ulcer & Other Neglected Tropical Diseases

This project aims to contribute to reducting the disability and morbidity associated with Buruli Ulcer and Yaws disease in Ghana. Our program endeavours to complement the efforts of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) and The National Buruli Ulcer Control Programme efforts in early detection activities of category one cases for the ongoing drug trial. The project objectives include increasing the uptake of services by raising Buruli Ulcer awareness and increasing the local community's ability to respond to and control Buruli Ulcer in one of the most endemic districts in Ghana. Ultimately the devastating damage this disease causes will be reduced by raising awareness, training community based volunteers and health workers on Buruli Ulcer and by providing education and conducting surveillance to facilitate early case detection, management, referral and reporting of Buruli Ulcer cases.
As work in Ghana progressed with consultations involving the various partners and stakeholders it became obvious that the work should be expanded to include activities designed to expand community education to help prevent and/or treat other conditions. The first expansion brought Yaws disease detection and treatment into our work. Since then, education on care of wounds and prevention of Cholera has been added.