Medical Equipment & Supplies plus Children's Books for a Rural Library
In early 2019 we began the process of putting a third 40' container together for shipping in late summer. Minimax has graciously agreed to store equipment and supplies until the end of July, at which time we will, hopefully, have gathered enough equipment to fill a container and ship it to Ghana. We are looking for medical equipment in good condition and supplies. We are also looking for children's books in English and French for preschool to grade 6. Upon arrival in Ghana and the distribution of medical equipment, this container will be repurposed into a rural community library.
Donations were received from a family in Ottawa who's loved ones passed a short time ago. The Rotary Club of Ottawa-Stittsville arranged for the transportation of the donation to Minimax in Cornwall.
September 17th was both an end and a beginning of a project of the Rotary Club of Cornwall Sunrise. Within three hours, Rotary president Peter Labelle and several club members and friends of Rotary filled a forty-foot sea container and waved farewell to a transport headed to the Port of Montreal, where the container would be loaded onto a vessel headed to the port of Tema, Ghana, West Africa. Like the previous two containers, the container will remain in Ghana and be repurposed to enhance rural medical facilities or to be set up as a small permanent library available for children and rural residents to use.
The contents of the container represent almost a year of picking up and storing medical supplies and equipment and school resources and materials that had been donated by Rotarians and friends of Rotary. This fall, Labelle will meet the container in Ghana when he makes his 8th annual Rotary visit to Ghana to continue efforts to eradicate a variety of neglected tropical diseases, including Buruli Ulcer, Yaws, Leprosy and others.
The Rotary Club of Cornwall Sunrise cannot adequately thank the medical community, , schools, and individuals for their incredible generosity in helping to fill this container. None of this would be possible without the help of Minimax Express, Cornwall for providing the storage space required to store items over the course of the year.
Through the network of Rotary Clubs worldwide, the Rotary Club of Cornwall Sunrise will continue to facilitate redirection of medical supplies and good used medical equipment that is no longer required in Canada.